Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:47:35 +0100
From: ReindeR Rustema <>
Subject: first message Heimat-DVD news mailinglist


You receive this e-mail because you have once let me know, somewhere between 1997 and yesterday that you are interested in either Die Heimat or Die Zweite Heimat on video or DVD.

(In some cases I reply to both the e-mail address you e-mailed me from and the address you supplied in the form on the website. Just to make sure that at least one e-mail will get through to you.)

I intend to e-mail you every 6 months through this mailinglist I exclusively set up for this. I will give you news about the progress of the DVD-release and to verify that your e-mail address is still working. If you change your e-mail address, let me know. When you have questions, suggestions, news, or whatever, you can also always

If you don't want to receive anything about this anymore, just write me or with on the first line unsubscribe heimat123-dvd from the e-mail address you want to unsubscribe. That is the automated process I prefer.

1. No VHS release, just DVD

This is the news. I am no longer striving to get a VHS-release. Instead, for those who want a VHS release and do not own a DVD-player, I will ask ER Filmproduction not to put copy protection on the DVD release. Like this, you can make a copy from the DVD disks to videotapes yourself, similar to making a copy to audiotape from a CD. You will still have to buy the DVD set, arrange for a DVD-player (or computer with DVD) and hook it up to your videorecorder. Easy to do, I will put information on the website on how to do it. Press play on the player and record on the recorder and change disks and tapes every two hours for two or three days...

2. The information I collect from potential Heimat DVD buyers and the purpose

If you want to know how you are registered in my database, let me know and I can look it up and update your information. Below you find a list with the information I collect. It is a survey but also a petition. The goals is to have the DVD released in the way we want, to be the first to know it and perhaps to get a discount by bypassing retail. That is why I have asked you for your postal address, it is to make sure I can reach you when the release is out. E-mail addresses tend to change more often than postal addresses, perhaps except for a few restless cosmopolitans without a 'Heimat' on this list who are always moving. There are 131 individuals on the list.

Between brackets an explanation. You can reply to this part and insert your information if you want to update it.

e-mail (the e-mail addresses I know from you) fullname (your name as it will appear in a mailing) firstname (firstname or initials)
lastname (lastname, for alphabatical sorting) street (your streetname or PO box)
city (city where you live)
state (state, esp. US and UK)
country (country, sometimes based on your e-mail address if you didn't give any)
zipcode (your zipcode, postal code or whatever the postman needs to locate you)
date (date I received e-mail from you, useful for me to look up what you wrote)
heimat1 (if you are interested in this one, yes or no)
heimat1price (price you are prepared to pay for Die Heimat on DVD. Categories: 1: less than $40, 2: between $40 - $100, 3: between $100 - $200)
heimat2 (if you are interested in this one, yes or no)
heimat2price (price you are prepared to pay for Die Zweite Heimat on DVD. Categories: 1: less than $40, 2: between $40 - $100, 3: between $100 - $200 or 4: $200 - $300.)
videoformat (where you live in the world determines what videoformats you can read)
dvd-vhs-both (wether the price you suggested was based on a DVD release or VHS or both)
english (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
spanish (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
italian (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
portugese (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
dutch (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
french (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
german (for those with hearing difficulties or students of the German language)
swedish (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
hebrew (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
norwegian (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
danish (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
finnish (if you want subtitling in this language, yes or no. expect at least 6 languages)
makingofdoc (a documentary on how the film was made)
reitzcommentary (a soundtrack with Reitz commenting on the whole film)
castdetails (CV, portrait etc for every actor)
expertcommentary ('experts' on an extra soundtrack discussing the whole film)
website (static information like our fansite or the Heimat website to view on your computer)
script (the voluminous 1000 page out-of-print script is expensive to print, as a digital textfile on the disk it is small and cheap, only a copyrights issue. It's up to you how much of it you want to print.
It will be text-searchable using PDF/HTML readers)
music (a way to listen to the music only instead of watching the film)
testimonials (little interviews with people from around the world on what the film meant and did to them)
scene-by-scene (instead of browsing the film with 'chapters' browse it by scene number)
other (other suggestions for the DVD-release, no matter how crazy or expensive, your comments are entirely copy-pasted into an appendix).

3. Anti-spam policy

The distributor might want to mail you a brochure or something for the DVD release. I will insist that the database will only be used for this purpose (news about the Heimat/Die Zweite Heimat DVD-release) and destroyed afterwards. When possible, I will do the mailing myself and not give the database away at all. Otherwise it might end up in the hands of some distibutor who will merge the database with one for ordinary direct-mail campaigns and you get spam for all kinds of book and video deals every week. That's not what this is about, that should be avoided.

4. Next news bulletin in June

In the next e-mail you get from me somewhere in May or June I will present an analysis of the data I gathered. By then there should be more news about the DVD release and I passed on our wishlist to the DVD producer. After that I will start organising the buying of the DVD.

ReindeR (webmaster Heimat fansite since 1996, )